Thursday 29 January 2015

Still bitter about the Bat?

I love movies. A lot of us do, but I get a fair bit of enjoyment from a Superhero film. The average Superhero film just has the perfect blend for what makes an entertaining movie in my opinion.
DRAMA! ROMANCE! ACTION! THRILLS! These are the makings of quintessential Superhero spectacle.

But I'm not here to talk about any Superhero movie. Simply the Batman movies. NO!!! Not the Nolan films, the sort-of-a-quadrilogy-but-not-really-a-quadrilogy Batman set of films. Starting from Tim Burtons "BATMAN" and ending with Joel Shumacher's "Batman & Robin".

I mean was it really THAT bad?

In short, it all started with Tim Burton's successful batflick - "BATMAN" deputing in cinemas everywhere in 1989. For the first time, Gotham city as imagined in the comics had been brought to life, from the gargoyle statues, to the towering buildings reeking of classical architecture. It literally put the "Goth" in Gotham. Not to mention funny-man Michael Keaton blew everyone away for his portrayal of both Bruce Wayne and Batman. 
The movies success deemed it worthy for a sequel and just to ensure a success, they hired back Tim Burton, promising him more room for creativity. This ensured his stay with Warner Bros. A sequel happened and it was successful, but was followed by a parental backlash of complaints about the film being to dark, scary and perverted. I'm not gonna lie, as an older Batfan, I've noticed tonnes of sexual innuendos in Batman Returns. I wouldn't feel the need to complain about it though as it's not something I picked up on as kid cos well...I never knew anything about boobs, willies and all the sexual organs on a human being, or any sexual terms such as "Just the pussy I've been looking for" and "I'd like to fill her void". 

Like I said, the movie was successful regardless. This cause Burton to be replaced and in his place was Joel Shumacher. When people tend to utter that name, they usually shudder at the memories of both "Batman Forever" and "Batman & Robin". Why? Good Question, read on for the reasons why and what I think of these movies myself...

It's about to get real in here...

Let's start with Batman Forever. The movie like the previous two entries proved to be once again successful. Fans were left confused when Michael Keaton was replaced the increasingly popular Val Kilmer in his place, the addition of Robin and a lack of gothic darkness, instead hankering for a more silly and fun vibe which this movie strongly delivered! 
The movie had Jim Carey play as the Riddler and Tommy Lee Jones as Harvey Dent/Two-Face, replacing the one-time Harvey, Billy Dee Williams (who isn't really remembered for his Harvey Dent role anyway). The movie starts off light hearted with Alfred asking Bruce if he can convince him to take a sandwich, while Kilmer as Bruce grunts his voice, simply replying "I'll get drive-through". It's clearly a line you would hear in a Batman McDonalds advert or something. 

It's dark!...sorta

While fans didn't like it then, is it really bad now? Think about that for a moment. Is it? Is it bad? After almost 20 years, is it still bad? 
Starting from the Adam West Batman movie till Nolan's " The Dark Knight Rises" we've had a number of live-action Batman portrayals and each one brings something different. We're also about to get a new portrayal in "Batman vs Superman" featuring Ben Affleck as the titular Dark Knight. 
But that's what I love about all the Batman films! Variety! 

We can watch a nice range of Batman movies and my choice is usually dependent on my mood.
This is where I get honest though. While in my opinion, Michael Keaton is my favourite live-action portrayal of Batman, Batman Forever will always be my favourite movie of the Bat-franchise.
Why? Chris O'Donnell's somewhat mopy Robin is my favourite portrayal, the nipples on the batsuit doesn't bother me, it's a fun movie overall, it's so 90's to the core, the soundtrack is fabulous and well, Jim 'freaking' Carrey! 
It might not accurately portray Batman as he's shown in the comics but it's an enjoyable "blockbuster" movie. It has action, drama, romance and thrills with a small dose of comedic dialogue here and there. It's also the only movie where I've seen Tommy Lee Jones smile...

Cryyyyyyyy little siiiisteeeeeer!!!

You've probably seen Batman Forever at least once in your life and maybe thought "Joel Shumacher is a shit director, wtf???" He's not a bad director. Sure, he's no James Cameron or Steven Spielberg. Heck he's not even Rob Reiner! But he is good. Two examples of which before he tackled the Bat from my memory are "Lost Boys" and "St Elmo's Fire". He has the chops to make a great movie. The problem with both Batman Forever and Batman & Robin was the large interference from the Studio execs. Does this excuse Shumacher's poor movies? Actually, it does! The guy creeps me out a little, but I wouldn't straight-up blame him for anything. In the decades of movie make, when have studio execs ever understood a licensed property? When have they ever understood what "the fans want"? Never! That there lies the problem with any licensed movie - cut out the execs and not limit creative freedom.
One thing that Shumacher CAN be blamed for - not having a backbone to tell the execs to back off! I know, I said I wouldn't straight-up blame him for anything and at the same time, I can't blame him for doing nothing. 

Imagine it yourself. Your a wee director, making movies is your thing and suddenly your asked to do Batman. Your asked to direct a movie for a financially successful franchise, what do you do? Whether it's about the movie or not, you obviously take it, right? It's work! And career changing work at that, no matter how you go about it. So when your in the middle of it, your not gonna exactly tell off studio execs and possibly ruin your chances at the "big gig". Everyone is different though, right?

The typical response from anyone who watches
Batman & Robin

So lets talk about Batman & Robin, the complete game-changer! This is the movie that burned the careers of many. Joel Shumacher was no longer a big director name, Alicia Silverstone's career plummeted, Arnold just kind of stayed the same, Chris O'Donnell retired from acting and both George Clooney and Uma Thurman distanced themselves from the movie, appearing in many other movies since. 
But almost 20 years later. Does is still suck? Again, does it? Does it really? Are you sure your not being too bitter? No I'm not being too soft on it. What is honestly not to love about this movie? 
I mean man oh man, if you thought Batman Forever was very 90's, this one amps it to 11! Bat-nipples to 11! Sillyness to 11! Comedy to 11! You get the gist. Once again the titular role is recast, now with real-life Bruce Wayne, George Clooney who plays an alright Bruce Wayne but a terrible Batman (at least he looks the part, right?) A Robin who seems to be going through a very tough puberty period of moaning about everything, but overall doing a good portrayal of Hayden Christensen (wait, lol). 

In all seriousness though I love this movie. A lot of people love to hate it, some people even hate on it to be cool (lol, With so many Batman films today and so much variety, why are you still hating it? Honestly, why? Is hating it gonna get your cinema ticket money back? No! And I bet you've watched it at least once since your first time? So is it that bad you had to watch it again? Surely not. Stop hating it and accept it for what it is. A corny Batman movie with cheesy one-liners, lovable Arny keeping the crowd entertained as always, a great soundtrack and a very basic plot filled once again with drama, romance, action and thrills. While I feel it's not as great as Forever, it's still enjoyable for a lazy night-in with munches!

It's all fun and games really!

Listen to the Joker and ask yourself "Why so serious?" Why be so critical and not just enjoy something for what it is instead of hating it for eternity. If you don't like something, don't indulge in it. Save your hair from the stress! I feel sorry for anyone who can't enjoy any movie for silly and petty reasons.


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